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Children Using Tablets

Project Based Learning
Steam Project:

Responsible Trash Disposal 

Laura Ma

Subject: Science Inquiry 

Lesson Topic: Ecology 

Duration: 6 weeks

Grade group: Grade 1 

Group Project Website:



Project Description

This Recycling STEAM project enables students to utilize 21st century skills while creating change in their own community. The theme of the project is trash disposal in the community. This project will be instructed in Science class through inquiry based learning; students will use cross-curricular knowledge throughout the project. Students will present their learning to their parents and community members in the form of a performance at the end of the 6 week project. 


Guiding Question: How can we teach others how to responsibly dispose of trash in our community?


The performance will have three parts:

  1. Presentation of their learning. Answering the guiding question based off their research. 

  2. Presenting their project process. Students will talk about their responsibilities and how they prepared for the performance. 

  3. Q&A from parents & community members attending the performance. 


The project will be presented at the end of the 6 weeks. The class will have a 20 minute time slot at the school theater on a Friday afternoon for their performance. Students who are not acting will still participate in the 10 minute Q&A portion at the end of the performance. Parents and community members will be asked to think of questions about the project or the content during the performance. 


Science Lesson through inquiry learning

Inquiry concepts will be responsibility and causation. Students will be able to understand that humans are responsible for maintaining the environment and why. They will also know that poor trash disposal leads to problems in our daily lives, the environment and more.


Weekly Project Plan

Students​ have 3 science lessons a week, each an hour and 15 minutes long. During the course of the 6 weeks, they will  collaborate, and revise to prepare for their performance. 



Weekly graphic organizers

Guiding question display

Peer assessment group papers

Rubric (see below)

Formative assessment tracking sheet (for teacher)



Week 1: Defining the problem, Input & introductory research

  • L1: Project Kickoff:

Students will travel to a local public space nearby the school. It can be a park, beach, hiking area etc. They take part in a trash clean up.  The teacher may include a competition element by asking students to track how much they pick up within a certain time, then give the winner a “trash trophy” (teacher’s choice on what that might be!)

Guiding question introduction: 

How can we teach others how to responsibly dispose of trash in our community?

Project presentation introduction

The teacher will explain the performance expected at the end of the project. They will also present graphic organizers and peer feedback pages to set expectations. 

  • L2: Inquiry causation introduction  

Lessons with teacher input - This includes presenting what causation is in various contexts, drawing on previous project knowledge relating to causation. 

After the input, students will do small group research focusing on the question: What are the causes and effects of littering? 

  • L3: Small group discussion: 

Students will use research from the previous lesson to create a list of questions to interview other students & community members about the causes and effects of littering. They will learn how littering affects different groups of people and what those people do to prevent it.


Week 2: Exploration & identify issues, collect ideas

  • L1: Peer feedback

Students will get peer feedback on their questions & revise

  • L2: Real world data collection

Students interview various students in grade 2, 5, 9, and 11

  • L3: Real world data collection part 2

Students will conduct observations in hallways and local public areas to learn about the causes & effect of littering. They will also start to make a list of solutions that they can present in their final performances. 


Week 3: Exploration & research

  • L1: Concept Attainment 

Review the concept of causation in the context of responsible litter disposal. Discuss examples and non-examples of the concept.

Input: Teach what responsibility is in various contexts, drawing on previous project knowledge relating to the concept.

  • L2:Research

Student conduct Ipad/library research about the effects of littering on the environment. Their final tasks is to share their findings with a peer. They must answer the questions: How does littering cause problems in the environment? Give specific examples and possible solutions. How does littering affect my daily life and what can I do to help?

  • L3: Quiz

Students take a quiz on the effects of littering on the environment. Results are then used by the teacher to adjust instruction as needed. 


Week 4: Organize performance 

  • L1: Project Roles

Students group brainstorm the roles and responsibilities needed to prepare for their performance. For example, they will need people in charge of costumes, stage, props, and music. The teacher will guide this discussion and ask questions. Students rank their desired roles from 1-5 then submit it to the teacher.

  • L2: Groups set their plan

Students learn their final role & groups. They meet with their groups. For example, the student in charge of advertising for the show will sit together to start their advertising plan. The teacher will guide the groups

  • L3: Write & Peer edit

Class group write. Students will write the script for their performance together. They can work in pairs then edit each other’s work. The teacher can use the smart board to model good peer review tactics. 


Week 5: Develop performance 

  • L1: Complete writing portion

Students finish writing the performance. The small groups for advertising, acting, stage, music, and props work together to make a plan. Test performance ideas with small group of parents

  • L2: Feedback 

Students pitch their initial performance ideas to a small group (5-6) of volunteer parents for feedback. Parents are encouraged to give honest and constructive feedback to help students improve their performance. 

  • L3: Revision

Revise based on feedback. Students also collect materials needed to prepare for the performance. For example, recycled cardboard for the stage set up.


Week 6: Performance final preparations

  • L1: Student lead performance preparations

Additional performance preparations. Students use materials to prepare with their groups. Teacher formatively assesses. 

  • L2:Student lead performance preparations (2)

Additional performance preparations. Students use materials to prepare with their groups. Students fill out peer assessment forms for their peers in their groups.

  • L3: The performance! 

Learner Objectives, 21st Century Skills , and Assessment

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Each learning objective is linked to a 21st century skill that the student is developing 

Digital Literacy

Students will research not only concepts but also explore the guiding question using technology. Although grade 1 students are not competent computer users yet, they are able use google/baidu to search and collect information. 



Students will brainstorm new ways to present their learning about recycling in regards to causation and responsibility. The performance will be all their original work.


Students will work in small groups to plan their portion of the project. They must communicate between groups to form the larger performance. They will practice peer assessment and feedback skills too.

Critical Thinking

Students will use their critical thinking skills to prepare questions for other students.



Students will tap into their creative side during performance planning. This includes thinking of interesting ways to present their learning such as skits or in newscast form. All students are a part of the writing process. Those doing costuming and music will also use their creative skills.


Problem Solving

Students will present possible solutions to littering in their communities during the project. 


Formative assessment will be used to complete this rubric. There is a quiz in week 3 to check for knowledge related to concepts as well. Lastly, students will fill out a peer review form for their team members for collaboration grades. The teacher will also use their formative assessment to contribute to the final collaborate grade. 

Trash Project rubric.png


Science - Researching the causes & effects of littering

Technology - Using iPads for research

Engineering - Using the engineering process of revision in the project

Arts - Writing, organizing, and designing a live performance

Math - Use understanding of math to interpret scientific research

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